We'll help take care of tomorrow. You just do today.
We'll help take care of tomorrow. You just do today.

Find hope in the harshest of realities
LiveOn.org is a non-profit community established to support the millions of chronically ill who suffer from post-infection diseases, such as ME, long-COVID, POTS, EDS, MCAS, NCS, Chronic Lyme/MSIDS, among others. These are multisystemic diseases that simultaneously affect the brain, nerves, muscles and most every vital organ–manifesting as chronic pain, cognitive dysfunction, and fatigue.
Through awareness, education, personal stories, and digital connection, we are striving to help those who are suffering, their caregivers, and the healthcare community come together to support, to encourage, and to find solutions that shorten the journey to a better quality of life.
Hope. Purpose. Quality of Life.
Encouraging emotional wellness by cultivating connections and support between sufferers.
Simplifying access to the most advanced research, patient care, and disease advocacy organizations.
Building understanding by amplifying the efforts of the organizations making a difference.
Educating the larger community and attacking social stigmas through campaigns.
Giving hope and a renewed sense of purpose through connection and success stories.
Advocating for medical and legislative community action and ongoing support.
Making a difference in people’s lives
At LiveOn.org, we are proud to partner with several organizations making an impact in the world of chronic post-infection diseases. While a cure isn’t immediate, there is hope for a brighter future.

Find a new beginning, together.
Introducing LiveOn – an app and digital experience that connects people who suffer with others who suffer, find hope and purpose through mutual encouragement.
Do today by donating today
There are millions of people suffering from chronic illnesses and associated emotional wellness issues. Help us raise the overall consciousness of these diseases.